PT. Indra Eramulti Logam Industri (IMLI) is one of the business units of Indoprima Group and a leading producer in the block lead industry. Located in Pasuruan, East Java, PT. Indra Eramulti Logam Industri (IMLI) was established in January 1988 with a commitment to delivering high-quality products and the best services to customers throughout Indonesia. With a production capacity of over 2,500 metric tons per month, we combine skilled and trained personnel with state-of-the-art technology, making PT. Indra Eramulti Logam Industri (IMLI) a top choice in the industry. Due to our excellence and achievements, our products are registered with the LME (London Metal Exchange), demonstrating our high-quality standards and the global recognition of our products. We are trusted and export to several countries including Japan, China, Pakistan, India, Thailand, Vietnam, and Malaysia.