PT Indospring is Committed to CSR Programs for Preventing Dengue Fever
PT Indospring, a company renowned for its commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), has once again demonstrated its concern for the welfare of the surrounding community. On March 28, 2024, the company carried out a CSR program in Segoromadu Hamlet, Gresik, focusing on assisting the community in preventing dengue fever outbreaks.
During this activity, PT Indospring provided material assistance and educated the local community on dengue fever prevention methods. This effort aimed to raise public awareness about the importance of maintaining a clean environment and preventing breeding Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, the vector that causes dengue fever.
The initiative did not stop at one location. PT Indospring has scheduled subsequent CSR programs in Napes Hamlet, Tawangsari, Prambanan Village, and Kebomas District. This CSR program will reach 500 households across two different villages.
With initiatives like this, PT Indospring is not only helping the community tackle the threat of disease but also strengthening the positive relationship between the company and the community. It is hoped that this CSR program will be the first step in bringing about positive impacts on the welfare and health of the surrounding community.