Indoprima Group Provides Shovels for Flood Disaster Relief in Gresik and Bawean Island

In the aftermath of a natural disaster, support and assistance from the community are crucial in helping affected areas recover and rebuild. Recognizing this, Indoprima Group, a leading company committed to social responsibility, recently provided aid to communities impacted by floods in Gresik and Bawean Island.

On March 30, 2023, the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) team of Indoprima Group, consisting of representatives from various business units, collaborated with the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) in Gresik to deliver aid. The assistance included essential equipment to support post-flood recovery efforts, particularly sturdy shovels to facilitate debris removal and restoration activities.

The symbolic handover ceremony, attended by representatives from the Indoprima Group CSR team, underscored the company's dedication to supporting disaster-affected communities. The event aimed not only to provide tangible assistance but also to express solidarity and empathy towards those facing the aftermath of the disaster.

The provision of shovels is a practical contribution to the ongoing recovery and reconstruction process. By supplying vital tools to aid in debris clearing and infrastructure repair, Indoprima Group seeks to alleviate the burden on local authorities and expedite the return to normalcy in the affected areas.

Indoprima Group's CSR initiative reflects its commitment to corporate citizenship and community welfare. Beyond its core business operations, the company remains steadfast in its efforts to positively impact society and contribute to the collective resilience of communities facing adversity.

As the affected areas strive to rebuild and recover from the flood damage, Indoprima Group stands with them, offering support, assistance, and hope for a brighter future. Through collaborative efforts and a steadfast commitment to social responsibility, the company aims to be a beacon of hope and aid in times of crisis.

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