PT Indospring, Tbk Hosts Free Medical Treatment Event for Its 45th Anniversary Celebration
PT Indospring Tbk, as a company committed to making a positive impact on the surrounding community, celebrated its 45th anniversary with a meaningful CSR initiative. On July 5, 2023, the company organized a free medical treatment event in Prambangan Village, Kebomas District, Gresik, as part of its anniversary celebrations.
In an effort to provide broader access to healthcare services, PT Indospring Tbk collaborated with RS Graha Husada, a leading hospital in the area. This partnership aimed to deliver high-quality medical services to the residents of Prambangan Village and its surroundings at no cost.
The free medical treatment event included a range of healthcare services, from general check-ups to consultations with doctors, as well as the distribution of free medications. A medical team consisting of general practitioners, specialists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals participated in the event to provide the best care for the patients.
In addition to the medical services, the event was held in a warm and communal atmosphere. Employees of PT Indospring Tbk actively supported the event, from patient registration to logistical assistance.
By involving all parties actively, PT Indospring Tbk not only provided direct benefits in the form of healthcare services but also strengthened its harmonious relationship with the surrounding community. This CSR initiative reflects the company’s commitment to fostering collective well-being and being a responsible partner in social development in its operational area.
The 45th anniversary celebration of PT Indospring Tbk was not just a moment to celebrate the company’s achievements but also an opportunity to give back to the community and act as a positive change agent in their lives. May this event be the beginning of many sustainable CSR initiatives that create a broader positive impact on society.