Health Talk: Workplace Ergonomics: Preventing Injuries and Boosting Productivity

Health Talk: Workplace Ergonomics: Preventing Injuries and Boosting Productivity"

On November 21, 2024, Indoprima Group successfully held a Health Talk event themed Workplace Ergonomics: Preventing Injuries and Boosting Productivity".The event featured Dr. Irawati Marca Mars, QIA, CMA from RSIA Bunda Morula as the main speaker. This Health Talk provided important education on workplace ergonomics, including how to maintain proper posture and minimize the risk of injuries while working. Participants were also invited to practice muscle stretching techniques that can enhance comfort and work efficiency on a daily basis.Following the educational session, the event continued with a Mini Health Check-up (MCU), where participants received services such as blood pressure and blood sugar checks to monitor their health.

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